Why can't it just be like the old days? You know, when there were streamers in the gym.
Lately I've been recalling some pretty obscure memories of the past decade, and after thinking about circumstances surrounding these memories, a lot of them have left me with the lingering question, "What the crap?"
Today's remembrance was one of the best that I've had in a while.
Today I was on the phone with Andrea, and somehow we ended up talking about gym class during junior high.
The first day of P.E. in 7th grade was really terrifying because we all thought that we were going to have to take showers after class. And we did. Our teacher promised us that we would only have to do it once, so everybody better participate.
I got in the shower partially clothed.
Turns out I was allergic to the laundry detergent the school used to wash all the towels.
Next, I remembered what rainy days were like during gym class. One day in particular, was very special. Miss Henry herded all the girls into the locker room and told us that we would not be running the mile that day due to the rain. Instead, she handed us a box full of tennis balls and told us to teach ourselves how to juggle.
So we did. For an hour. In the locker room.
Another little nostalgic gem was Andrea mentioning how she had taken a "circus skills" class in the 8th grade for P.E. credit. She also learned how to juggle, in addition to gaining some valuable experience on mini-stilts.
We owe a lot to the public school system.